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Archive for 'Tech Features in Your Vehicle' Category
Oct 16, 2019

If you aren’t good at backing up in your vehicle, then consider having a backup camera installed. This is a simple camera that is placed at the rear of your vehicle that will show you what is on the ground and what is directly behind you via a screen inside your vehicle. If your vehicle […]

Oct 16, 2019

If you have been trying to drive your vehicle safely but always feel yourself looking at your phone, you may not realize there is a new app that works with your infotainment screen. Google invented Android Auto to help drivers connect to their phones more seamlessly. While most vehicles have the ability to connect to […]

Oct 16, 2019

Many car companies across the globe are adopting Apple CarPlay as a standard feature in their vehicles, with luxury and tech automakers being the primary drivers of this growth. CarPlay is a software feature that is built into vehicles and Apple digital devices like iPhones and iPads. This service allows users to talk on the […]

Oct 16, 2019

Today’s cars have a lot of technology built into them. The set of systems that includes vehicle information, audio, radio, Bluetooth, music, cabin comfort, navigation and videos is often referred to as the infotainment system. The infotainment system combines information with entertainment, and it is within reach of the driver. You may need the information […]